Sunday, May 28, 2017

Flutter - Native Android Debugging

This video covers:

- Let's say you have a problem with Android
- Build the Android apk
- Import and Open the project in Android Studio
- Check the log
- Use breakpoints

Flutter - The Flutter Debugging Tools

- Open the example Flutter gallery
- Toggle Debug Paint
- Toggle Repaint Rainbow
- Toggle Performance Overlay
- Toggle Slow Animations
- Toggle Platform

Flutter - Edit Flutter with a Free IDE

This video covers:

- Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- Create and debug an app

Download IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition:

GXT 101 - Create Themed Project from Archetype

This video covers:

- Create a project with app and theme module from archetype
- Import the project in Eclipse
- Debug the application

Saturday, May 27, 2017

GXT 101 - Compiling Permutations for Clients

This video covers:

- GXT compiles ~48 to start with
- Optimize the build
- Build less permutations

Guide on Permutations:

Flutter - Wire up the Firebase Auth for iOS

This video covers:

- Create a firebase app
- Configure iOS for Google services
- Import Google Sign-In & Firebase Auth plugins
- Wire up the sign in

Firebase Console:

Google Sign-In Plugin

Firebase Auth Plugin Source

Firebase Auth Plugin Example

Google Sign In Plugin Example IOS Runner(App)

Flutter - Wire up the Google Sign In Plugin for iOS

This video covers:

- Create a firebase app
- Install the GoogleServices-Info.plist
- Import the Google sign-in plugin
- Wire up the sign in

Firebase Console:

Pub Google Sign In - Get the dependency

Google Sign In Plugin Source

Google Sign In Plugin Example

Google Sign In Plugin Example IOS Runner(App), Here's the info.plist

Friday, May 26, 2017

GXT 101 - Using the Compiler to build

- Compile into the war
- Use -compileReport to narrow down the builds
- Use -setProperty to build one permutation
- Incrementally compile for debugging
- Run a web server and test it

Permutations and Properities:

Compiler Options:

Monday, May 22, 2017

Flutter - Wire up the Google Sign In Plugin for Android

This video covers:

- Rename the Android package
- Create a firebase app
- Install the google-services.json
- Import the Google Sign In plugin
- Wire up the sign in

Firebase Console:

Google Sign In Pub Site

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Flutter - Create a Unit Test

Learn how to wire up a simple unit test in the Flutter application.

- Create a function to test
- Import the test library
- Create a unit test
- Run flutter test from the terminal

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Flutter - Edit the Android Plugin Bits

Are you trying to figure out how to edit the Android bits of your Flutter plugin? Try this tutorial...

- Create a Flutter plugin - Build the example plugin apk - Open Android Studio to edit the native Android Plugin bits - Run the Flutter example plugin from Android Find more in the flutter guide:

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Flutter - Create a Plugin

This video covers:

  • Create a plugin
  • Open the editors
  • Get data from the native Android and IOS apis
  • Push Data from Android and IOS
  • Use the Flutter Plugins as reference

Data Types:

Flutter Plugins:


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Flutter - Basic Commands

This video covers:

  • $ flutter upgrade
  • $ flutter doctor
  • $ flutter create
  • $ flutter run
  • $ flutter install

Flutter - Basic Theming

This video covers:

  • Add a theme
  • Change to a dark theme
  • Different page theme
  • Theme a group of widgets

Trying out the Dart Analysis Server

I wanted to see how the Dart Analysis Server was put together and worked. I started looking to see how I could wire it up and try out the co...